Etsy’s shipping calculator does not have the ability to calculate items that are shipped via freight, so please ignore the $0 shipping charge! These cabinets have a $55 packing charge for motor freight shipping. If you would like to make one payment for the item and freight charges. Send us your zip code and we will calculate the shipping charge for this item. Freight costs can not be calculated at checkout. ***PLEASE NOTE*** SHIPPING IS NOT FREE******** Take a look at some of the other ones we have listed in our shop. Golden Oak with chrome and wooden handles with a metal label holder. The oak cabinets with wooden handles and a label slot. We can do metal, glass, copper, zinc, stone or what ever else you may like. The other bases and tops are built on a custom basis. Cast iron casters are a great option for these at $135. We have a very limited quantity of the 3/4″ tops and 4″ bases for these cabinets. The inner diameter of each drawer is 37 1/2″ x 25 1/2″ x 2”.

The price listed is for ONE of these units, but feel free to buy as many as you’d like! There are 5 drawers in each unit, and the unit measures 40 1/2″ x 27 1/4″ x 14 1/4″. These photos are of units stacked on top of each other. Use them for your map collection, drawings, artwork, prints, or any other large item. “Hamiltonize and Economise “is the company moto They have spent their life at the Tennessee DOT holding all their engineering drawers.

Much nicer than anything you could buy new, and more desirable than the metal ones. These are one of our most sought after items…